Alex Sound Technology

T.H.E. Show 2023
At the invitation of our friend, the manufacturer of excellent speakers, Songer Audio, we together took part in the T.H.E. Show in Costa Mesa, CA.
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Axpona 2023
We were exhibiting at the biggest Audio Expo in North America in 2023.
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Florida Audio Expo 2022
We hosted a room at the Florida Audio Expo 2022 for the first time, which was packed all weekend and got a fair share of attention from the press.
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Tempesta 20
At lower listening levels Tempesta 20 is among the clearest and most open‐sounding I’ve auditioned… If you’re set on recreating the unfiltered, front‐row energy of the live music experience, this speaker will knock your socks off.Read it here

Gran Gioia 2x10
But here it is, the timely “coax concept” seems to be paying off. Especially since localization sharpness, instrument separation and grip of the image are talents that the 2×10 has to certify.Read it here

Genuin FS 1 MK 3
If you look carefully at the loudspeaker housing, the meticulousness and the craftsmanship, can recognize the manufactory. Choosing and assembling exactly mirrored veneers succeeds only once — so Blumenhofer Acoustics inevitably creates unique pieces.Read it here

Genuin FS 3 MK 2
The speed and precision of plucked and stroke strings (and soundboxes) were impressive. The clarity, transparency and naturalness of the sound, supported by high resolution and the insane level of energy together created one of the best presentations of this album, I happened to hear.Read it here
Songer’s S1 Loudspeaker Uses Old-School Audio Tech to Deliver Lifelike Sound
Some would call a pairing of Songer’s loudspeakers and the Takatsuki a marriage made in heaven.Read it here

Takatsuki TA−S01

Takatsuki TA−S01
High quality in‐house vacuum tube 300B / 274B mounted amplifier. Equipped with a new sound quality adjustment function in a robust housing, it approaches the listener with a beautiful sound full of freshness.Read it here

Takatsuki TA−S01
Takatsuki released not so recently their first own integrated amplifier TA-S01.Read it here

Takatsuki TA−S01
Very interesting Takatsuki 300B amplifier. Yes, the manufacture of the highly regarded TA-300B tube.Read it here

Takatsuki TA−S01
There was an enormous interest for the Takatsuki TA−S01 300B single‐ended tube power amplifier from Japan.Read it here

Sforzato DSP−010EX + PMC−010EX
The Sforzato DAC is a fantastic music machine: Rarely — or maybe never before — I’ve heard such a perfect musical flow from a digital source. I am already horrified when the Sforzato will go back to sales in the next few days.Read it here

Sforzato DSP−030EX + PMC−02EX
I have rarely heard so much finesse from a digital source, so easily heard fluid playing. I was not the only one in this, visitors who could listen to the Sforzato DSP−030EX unanimously left the door with a greedy look and opened their bank App to check whether there really was no Sforzato available for purchase.Read it here